this is really cool! is this two whole sketchbook pages? i love the graphic aspect to this piece. Your color choice is very bold, and it really pops out of the page! the background squares of color are nice as well! i really admire how effectively you mixed these medias and combined background with subject!
Have you ever seen someone and thought to yourself, wow that person looks like a __________? For my concentration I am going to do people who look or remind me of different objects, animals, or things. For example people say that I look like a blueberry, (personally I don't see the resemblence), So I will paint a portrait of yours truly with a blueberry head. As I continue through my portfolio I think it will be a challenge to portray people as animals or objects but being creative is what this class is about so there ya go.
Background for plant picture
This is the background that I am going to use for the painting we are currently working on. Inspired by the artist that came on the A.P. retreat.
this is really cool! is this two whole sketchbook pages? i love the graphic aspect to this piece. Your color choice is very bold, and it really pops out of the page! the background squares of color are nice as well! i really admire how effectively you mixed these medias and combined background with subject!
this is quite interesting, nice thoughts. i like the art aspect along with the opinions, nice combination
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